Indiana—Thursday, October 5th. StoneGate is located at 931 15th St., Bedford, IN.
There will be 12 to 14 Skilled Trades represented—electricians, carpenters, plumbers,
pipefitters, bricklayers, etc.... This will be a great opportunity for students and members of the
community to speak directly with skilled trade workers and employers. There will be
opportunities to learn about apprentice programs.
The Showcase features 3 sessions. The first two sessions, area schools may participate
targeting grades 11 and 12. The third session will be 2:00pm to 4:00pm and open to the public.
Our showcase partners include: Duke Energy, Built to Succeed, Ivy Tech, Work One McIntryre
Bros. and the North Lawrence Career Center. Duke Energy has provided a grant to make this
showcase possible.
For more information please contact: Linda Henderson at 812-279-8126 or