Columnist Bob Bridge

It has been intriguing to peruse the variety of perspectives on the outcome of the recent election.
Many responses have been predictable and particularly emotional. Yes, we remain a divided nation; however, it’s fair to glean from the results the public yearns for a new path.
While there are many decisive issues, consternation over current economic and immigration policies loom heavy with the majority of voting citizens.
During an in-depth discussion a fellow asked how I feel about the two-party system. Is it generating the sort of candidates our nation needs and deserves?
No, I do not believe it does. But, I see no political highway for a moderate contender to successfully traverse. It would be as unthinkable as broad-jumping the Grand Canyon.
How do I feel about the suggestions for a new cabinet? Overall, I am pleased … and optimistic. These are men and women the elected leader knows and trusts. They are acutely aware of what he wants to accomplish and are willing to execute the new policies.
I don’t anticipate President Trump encountering the unprecedented turbulence he encountered in 2016. How successful can he be? Time will tell.
One concept I would appreciate reintroducing is appointing someone to serve as “devil’s advocate.” I am referring to someone from the other party to provide personal feedback on proposed policies. Not necessarily to argue but to present other alternatives and open-mindedness regarding opposing opinions.
Who would I suggest?
Harold Ford. He is a highly-respected pundit, author and former U.S. Congressman who served as a representative for Tennessee.
He is employed as a political contributor for Fox News and co-hosts The Five. I respect his patience, honesty and determination to seek - and find - middle ground.
Like it or not, times are changing. I welcome a choir of voices and at least a modicum of respect that can offer unity.
Often it is wise to review and reconsider the way forward. Let your conscience be your guide.
Bob Bridge welcome comments at 812-276-9646 or