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Writer: Bedford OnlineBedford Online

[BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA] —Friends of Lake Monroe is pleased to announce the second annual celebration, Lake Monroe Day. Monroe County Commissioners, Jackson County Commissioners and Brown County Commissioners have issued proclamations declaring Sunday, September 17, 2023 to be “Lake Monroe Day.” These proclamations acknowledge the importance of Lake Monroe to our community, the steps our community has taken to protect Lake Monroe, and the work of Friends of Lake Monroe.

Lake Monroe has been used as a drinking water source since 1967 and currently provides drinking water to over 130,000 people. Lake Monroe generates over $40 million in economic impact annually in our region from recreational tourism. Lake Monroe and its adjacent wetlands provide critical habitat for wildlife including the bald eagle. Every resident, community and businesses depend on clean, abundant water and we must do our part to protect this valued resource for generations to come. We invite our community to come together to recognize the importance of Lake Monroe and make a commitment as a community to protect and preserve the lake.

Friends of Lake Monroe is organizing several events in celebration of Lake Monroe Day and would like to invite the public to join us in celebrating Lake Monroe on September 17, 2022 and surrounding dates.

Friends of Lake Monroe is a 501(c)3 non-profit that was formed to protect and enhance Lake Monroe and its watershed through science, advocacy, and public involvement: working collaboratively with citizens, government, and business to improve and support lake water quality.


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