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Writer's picture: Bob BridgeBob Bridge

Photo: Peggy Buck

The first time I saw her I knew I was in the presence of a woman of significant substance.

She glowed.

Beyond her inarguable beauty, Peggy Buck radiated a distinctly positive vibe, an aura of a person greatly admired by those in her orbit.

That lovely smile was both sincere and captivating.

I remember her as a key figure in the operation and execution of the annual Lawrence County 4-H Fair. Her professional approach was appreciated by co-workers and fair-goers alike.

It was at BNL’s fields and diamonds where Peggy and I most often crossed paths. Jeremy, Brandon and Donnie Buck were outstanding student-athletes, and these multi-talented boys were Peggy’s handsome grandsons.

Later, after they had achieved successful careers ranging from musician to elite coach to medical doctor, I thought how fortunate these champions had been to be blessed with such a compassionate and remarkable role model.

Late in the 1980s my life had become brutally busy. I was spending long days in the office and late nights watching basketball in a variety of high school gymnasiums and multiple college arenas.

Peggy learned of my plight and suggested I carve out an hour each day to “balance out my lifestyle.”

I politely explained there weren’t enough hours in the day.

She shot me that sweet smile and whispered, “Meet me at Fit for Life at 6 a.m.”

Somehow, someway I stumbled out of bed and climbed into my car for the short drive to the fitness center. When I stepped inside the doorway I announced, “I’m here to see Peggy Buck.”

A young lady pointed to the back of building gym and said, “She’s in the pool.”

And, she was.

Peggy was gliding from one end to the other with the grace and athleticism of Esther Williams.

She interrupted her workout long enough to welcome me into the pool. From that day forward we met each morning for as long as Fit for Life was open. It was such a wonderful, refreshing way to begin a day.

I lack the gifts and subsequent glories of Peggy’s grandsons, but I was fortunate to benefit from her encouragement and kindness.

She will be missed.

Bob Bridge offers comments at 812-276-9646 or


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